Funded by a Title III Grant, this unique display format consists of outdated, yet still functioning laptops. They have been repurposed into digital exhibition platforms to be placed at Tarrant County College Northeast Campus Library.
Goals and objectives:
The digital frames are based on Dell Latitude PP01L laptops (Pentium III, 996 Mhz, 256 Mb).
They can display a variety of content. These are some of the exhibit types we currently able to support:
A small number of our frames are used for promotional purposes. These individually installed frames display information regarding library services as well as current and upcoming events.
The rest of the digital frames are used for exhibitions. We have three permanent exhibits:
We have additional digital frames (black color framing) that can either be installed individually or as one exhibit. These frames can be hung on the Art Wall of the library on the main-level or they can be arranged in other ways. The most important factor is that they need to be near enough to an electrical outlet so as not to create a hazardous walkway.
you are displaying pictures, make sure to resize them to 1024x768 pixels to fit the resolution of our frames. If you want to display four pictures, then you can use our five-frame exhibit. We always keep one frame to feature the artist with the exhibit information. Which means, you will have one frame for the artist statement, and four to display your pictures. Same thing if you have five pictures, you will use the six-frame exhibit with one for the artist statement and five for your pictures.
Or, if you have more than five pictures, more than one picture can be loaded to rotate within the same frame.
We do expect you to provide us with your work already in a digital format, along with a photo of the artist, a title for the exhibit and a brief description of the work (approximately 100 words.)
Because this project was made possible by a Title III grant with a mission to promote student success, we would like to invite you to participate in a short voluntary survey so that we may evaluate its success and future viability.