This guide was created to give TCC faculty and staff useful background information, references, and other general resources for seeking and managing grants.
TCC-specific grants information is available at the Office of Grants Development and Compliance (OGDC) Intranet site. The OGDC site includes detailed, TCC-specific information, including training opportunities for learning to develop and manage grants at TCC.
The FIRST step for TCC employees applying for a grant or seeking a grant partnership is always to contact the Office of Grants Development and Compliance about the funding need you have or the project you are hoping to fund. TCC’s OGDC team is available to help you find funding sources, plan your project design, and write competitive grant applications for approval and submission on behalf of Tarrant County College.
TCC employees seeking private funds may contact either the TCC Foundation or the OGDC – both offices work closely together to secure private funds to support TCC priorities and initiatives.
Once TCC obtains public or private grant funding for a particular purpose, the OGDC will train and support the Project team in managing that grant-funded initiative.
If you are a TCC student, please go to the Office of Financial Aid for more information about student grants or to the TCC Foundation for information about scholarships.