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Creative Commons: Prologue





A LibGuide Play in Five Tabs.





                                                  Librarian ……………………………………A Librarian

                                                  Admin ………………………………………An Administrator

                                                  Instructor …………………………………...An Instructor

                                                  Student ……………………………………...A Student



                                                  Scene. ------------------------ Your Institution, Your Library






This LibGuide was created as part of the Creative Commons Certificate for Librarians course, which ran from January to April 2023. Many thanks are owed to my facilitator Rob Gibson, the Director of Learning and Training Jennryn Wetzler, my fellow cohort members, and all the other dedicated coordinators of the Creative Commons Certificate Program.


So, if you will, please turn on your cellphones, feel free to take screenshots, and enjoy ~


Creative Commons. A LibGuide Play in Five Tabs.