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This Research Guide will assist you in doing research on education topics for your teacher education class EDUC 1301.

How to Use This Research Guide

This Research guide has been developed to assist you in your research for EDUC 1301. Databases specific to educational topics can be found under the "Database Resources" tab above. You will also find general databases that contain information on a variety of topics, including education under the "Database Resources" tab above. Under the "Book Resources" tab, you will find links to books owned by the TCC libraries which are specific to your area of study.

EDUC 1301 Presentation Topics

Social Problems That Place Students at Risk and Possible Solutions—What are social problems that students face?  How do these problems affect students in the classroom?  What can teachers do to reduce the effect of these problems on students?  Give examples of how some schools/teachers have succeeded in addressing these challenges.

Teachers’ Legal Rights and Responsibilities—What are the legal rights of teachers?  What organizations fight for the legal rights of teachers?  What are the main responsibilities of teachers?  How can teachers avoid being sued? Site real-life experiences of teachers.    

 Minority Achievement Gap—A disproportionate number of students of color are not succeeding in US schools.  They continue to lag behind their Caucasian peers on all standardized measures of academic achievement.  What are the numbers?  Why are children of color not doing as well as Caucasian students?  What is being done (can be done) to eliminate the minority achievement gap?

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence—How is intelligence generally defined?  What is Gardner’s theory of intelligence?  Give practical ways in which teachers can apply this theory to their teaching.

 Accountability/Standardized Tests—How are teachers (schools) being held accountable for student learning?  What is the most federal legislation supporting accountability in K-12 education?  Explain this legislation. How are standardized tests impacting students?


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