Survey of Plant and Animal Kingdom
Service Learning Project
SERVICE: Cataloging organisms for Marine Creek Nature Discovery Center. Your efforts will help to shape the future of this Center and help to create databases of specimens available for campus and community viewing year round.
LOCATION: Marine Creek Nature Discover Center (Northwest side of campus north of disc golf course, next to Marine Creek Reservoir).
- Project Board: It must include colored pictures (not from magazines). You can use Times New Roman or Century font and it must be size 16. Titles can be larger than 16 font. Spelling and grammar must be correct. The board must be neat (for a grade) and easy to read.
- PowerPoint Presentation: One slide per organism
The following information must be covered on your board:
- 20 Organisms from Domain Eukarya
- Phylum
- Scientific name
- Color image
- Description of niche
- Feeding/reproductive strategies
- 1 important relationship with a different species
- Interesting factoids
- Reference Page (APA Style) - Minimum of five (no more than 3 websites, at least 2 references from the library)
POST ON iNATURALIST.ORG: Each group must join Marine Creek Nature Discovery Center under PROJECTS and post ALL 20 species images to this site. You can post as a group.
- How is your service learning experience related to the readings, discussions, and lectures in class?
- Did you hear, smell, or feel anything that surprised you?
- How is your experience different from what you expected?
- What have you learned about your ecological community?
- Complete this sentence: Because of my service learning, I am...
20 species in PowerPoint/board format: 30 pts
Reflection: 10 pts
iNaturalist post (20 per group): 10 pts
Organization + Neatness: 5 pts
Reference page: 5 pts (**at least 2 references retrieved from the library)