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Autism Pride Day: Self Help

Autism is a spectrum; we're not all learning disabled, high functioning, or severe. All of us have potential, and it's time we learned more about ourselves and each other. We have a diagnosis, a history, and a wide range of skills.

Books about adding skills

Burns, David J. Do Lemons Have Feathers?: More to Autism Than Meets the Eye. London; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
NE library. First person narrative/guide. (Helpbook for people with and w/o autism)

This author is on the spectrum and takes a positive outlook on how to take advantage of the supposed disadvantages of autism.

Grandin, Temple, Sean Barron, and Veronica Zysk. Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships: Decoding Social Mysteries through Autism’s Unique Perspectives. Ed. Veronica Zysk. New edition with author updates. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons, 2016.
NE library. Dual first person narrative. 

Both authors have autism and this a good book for adults on the spectrum who need to learn how to deal with social cluelessness.

Kim, Cynthia A. Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: a User Guide to an Asperger Life. London, UK; Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015.
NE library. First person narrative.

This is a great help! Some very specific advice for very specific issues autistic people face every day. It also explains some issues I have observed in myself but never understood.

Ramey, J. J., & Ramey, E. M. (2008). Autistics' guide to dating : A book by autistics, for autistics and those who love them or who are in love with them. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

This book was written by two people with autism and it gives insight on how dating is perceived from the autistic person's point of view. Also how to prepare to move from dating to marriage.

Ratcliffe. (2020). Our Autistic Lives: Personal Accounts from Autistic Adults Around the World Aged 20 to 70. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

I found this exceptionally helpful, especially the accounts of 50-year-olds. It does give narration to many issues that autistic people have at this time in their lives and how they managed them.

Steward, R. (2014). The Independent Woman’s Handbook for Super Safe Living on the Autistic Spectrum. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
TR library. Handbook.

This seems a little simplified to me, but I have lived on my own since I was 17 and it is probably more useful to that early time period of living alone.