Off-campus access to library databases is limited to current TCC students, faculty, and staff only. Use your TCC email and password when prompted to log in. If you have problems accessing library resources, contact the library staff for help.
Books & More
Did you know that current TCC students can request books from other TCC library locations to be sent to the TCC campus library of your choice for pick up? Not all items can be requested (for example, reference or reserve items). Know when your assignment is due, plan ahead, and start your research early to give yourself enough time to take advantage of this option!
For general browsing of our print collection for dental-related topics, these Library of Congress call number sections might be of interest:
Don't forget that the library has a large collection of eBooks available!
The library does not collect textbooks, however we may have a copy of your textbook if your instructor has placed one on reserve. Generally these can only be checked out for use in the library for a couple of hours. You can search our Course Reserves using the steps below. You can also stop by the library or chat with us online. We are always happy to check to see if we have a book available.
Visit the library's circulation desk to check out books that are part of the Reserves collection. Make sure you have your ID with you. You'll need it to check out library materials.
In addition to our databases and books, the library provides access to a variety of other materials. If searching the TCC Library Catalog, you can use the All Collections search option and then use the Resource Type limit under Filter Your Results to find a particular type of material. (You can also use this to search for all books at the same time, regardless of format or location. Search the TCC Library Catalog using the All Collections option, then limit your results to Books under Resource Type.)
For research on dental-related topics, our databases, print books, eBooks, some of our streaming video collections, and our dental-related print periodicals may be particularly relevant. The library also has resources available to support test preparation, professional development, and finding information about dental and other health-related careers. Explore these additional resources listed in the box below.
Scroll to see recently added books. Click the book cover to go to the library catalog record for the book. To view these books as a list, see the New Books tab in the Additional Resources box below.
In addition to providing access to information, the library provides study space and other general resources. Currently enrolled students can also check out devices. Refer to our Library 101 guide for more information on general resources available.
O*Net has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development, and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more! (link opens in a new tab)
These are just a few of the available titles. Search the library catalog to find more.
The databases highlighted below include many health-related and dental/oral health-related eBooks. Try searching for your specific topic or, for a more general search, try searching for dental, dentistry, or oral health. Search the TCC Library Catalog or other databases listed under the subject category Electronic Books and Magazines to find additional eBooks.
(links open in a new tab)
Refer to our databases listed by subject, under Streaming Video, for additional resources.
presents an extensive and unique assemblage of videos from practitioners, teachers, and researchers in a wide array of medical fields‚ including dentistry, nursing, rehabilitation therapy, sports medicine and exercise science, and veterinary science. Instructional videos by world-renowned clinicians and educators provide detailed lessons and demonstrations of skills and techniques. Interviews, documentaries, and reports from leading researchers explore both basic principles and today's cutting-edge knowledge of health and wellness. (link opens in a new tab)
(links open in a new tab)
researches, develops, and produces test preparation products to test-takers all over the world. Our team of testing experts devote hours upon hours to painstakingly review piles of content and boil it all down to the critical concepts that are most likely to be on your exam. We do a lot of work cutting through the fluff to give you what you need the most to perform well on the exam.
LearningExpress Library is an interactive online learning platform of practice tests and tutorial course series designed to help academically or with licensing tests students must pass. Receive immediate scoring, complete answer explanations, and an individualized analysis of test results.
Click the book title to go to the library catalog record for the book.