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This guide is to help you succeed with your Play Script Analysis assignment in Professor Bashore's course.
Play Script Analysis Assignment
Professor Bashore
Points: 50
Monday/Wednesday Class: DUE 10/28 uploaded by 9:30am
Tuesday/ Thursday: DUE 10/29 uploaded by 9:30am
How do we get into the world of play? Through mining the text, paying close attention to details and doing the ditch digging research, we scholars have a beginning understanding of where to start, moreover, of why to start. The play script analysis project is the basic work for understanding the craft of creating a production from the roots of theatrical roots and the expansiveness of them. This assignment is in two parts: Presentation and Research Paper.
You will give a 5-7 minute presentation to your classmates using power point loaded with images, information, creative tools, poetry, symbolic objects to clearly exhibit the work that the playwright has done. The end goal of the presentation is to introduce us to the play’s texts, relationships explored, time, place, origin, themes encountered within the playwrights vision. Additionally you will examine the production in process and in completion.
The most important aspect of this project after gathering all of the information, is examining why this production should or should not exist based on our discussion and dissection of theater from the beginning of the semester. Additionally you must tie it back to theater history and how it has been impacted through what we have studied.
· You will gather all of the research and information in one word file that will be turned into a pdf document to upload with your final paper.
· Your Presentation day is assigned in MODULES with your respective class meeting day.
· If you are not in class on the day of your presentation WITH materials uploaded prior to class: you will receive a zero.
1. Given Circumstances:
Previous Action (What happened before play began, think in terms of events)
The 5 W’s (who what where when why)
A fact breakdown scene by scene of new information, bullet pointed.
Character Analysis of all relationships
Themes and Symbolism
2. Biographical Information of Play: Where, When, What expanded. Use maps, photos. Climate, temperatures, culture, religion. The more rocks you turn over the more rocks you have to examine. I want to know exactly what it was like to live in that era culturally, financially... etc.
3. Playwright Background: Life of playwright. What inspires them. What do they write about. Other works in review. The more you discover about the mind of the playwright the more you’re able to understand his or her work.
4. Productions: Find the most revered and least successful productions of the play. Examine why. Write an INFORMED blurb as to why you believe they failed or succeeded based on class discussions. Supply reviews of the productions, photos etc.
5. Image/Sound List: Gather images that explore the world of the play. Many images. Draw something, paint something that is evocative of the world if you feel so inspired. Find ten songs that would make up the sound scape of the production if you were to mount it. List them in the portfolio- have them in your presentation.
6. Conclusion: Do you recommend it be produced? How would you do it? How can it it shape society? What elements from theater history does it employ if any?
1. Response Paper: A two-page paper minimum, double spaced, 12 pt. font, in your own words summing up the play and the information you have found on it. This must highlight the ‘timelessness’ or the lasting effect and mirror of society, tied back into what we have studied from Greek Theater, Shakespeare and/or Realism.
2. Bibliography Page: Last pages of the binder will hold your MLA formatted bibliography.
You must use primary sources. Ideally by the end of your research you will have over 30 works cited/consulted in order to construct your presentation and write your paper. You may use 5 secondary sources for your information. You may not use Wikipedia as a source. Consult their works cited if you’d like to use the information provided on the page. Books. Go to the books.
DO NOT PLAGERISE or USE AI. This isn’t an exercise in regurgitation, but rather a deep dive into research and the WHY of the material; a detailed investigation from a creative process based in The Poetics, origination of theater in reflection to its’ history. Do not copy other’s work. One small piece of copied information will result in total failure of assignment. In the event the paper or presentation is scanned and identities the use of AI or has been plagiarized, the resulting grade will be a zero.
Presentation & Paper will be uploaded to Canvas under “Play Script Analysis Assignment” prior to your presentation.
Presentation 30pt / Paper 10pts / Bibliography 10 (30 Primary/Secondary Sources) Up to ten photos will count toward your ten sources.
Given Circumstances 5pts Research Paper 10 pts Bibliography 10pts
Biographical Information of the Text 5pts
Playwright Information 5pts
Productions 5pts
Image/Sound List 5pts
Conclusion 5pts
Below is a chart discussing the differences between Primary and Secondary Sources.
Primary Sources | Secondary Sources |
These are original documents or original research |
These are works that synthesize, summarize, and/or interpret primary sources. |