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BUSG 2300 SO Dickey: Finding Books

This guide will help you with your group project for Professor Dickey's Business 2300 class.

Catalog Tips

There are several ways to search the Library catalog to locate books on your topic.

Keyword... For searching broad topics. e.g. Green Economy

Title Begins with... Name of the book you are looking for. e.g. Streetcar Named Desire

Title contains... For finding titles that contain a specific word.

Journal Title... Title of the magazine or scholarly journal you are looking for. e.g. Vogue

Publication Year... Year the resource was published.

Author/Title Browse... Browses authors or book titles.

Using the Library Catalog

The TCC Library catalog gives you access to materials from all of the campus libraries. It will locate print books, and also give you online access to electronic materials such as ebooks, audiobooks, and streaming videos.

Access the TCC Library Catalog:


A good way to start is to type in the topic you are researching (See "Starting Your Research" tab in this guide for more information on this). The catalog will look for your words in the titles of books as well as descriptions and tables of contents of books. Once you have obtained a result list, you can modify it to suit your needs.

If you are looking for ebooks, audiobooks or streaming videos, try clicking the "Electronic Book" link in the blue column to the right of your result list. This will limit your results to just those materials you can access online through the catalog. Some of the materials you find in this area will require you to login in with your WebAdvisor username and password (the same as you use for MyTCC).

If you are interested only in books that are available on your specific campus, the same blue column on the right of your result list will enable you to limit your results to materials on a specific campus.

For more in-depth information about searching the TCC Library catalog, see the Catalog tab on the

Some Books about Companies

Pam Pfeiffer


To find books about writing resumes, browse the HF 5383 section of the library.