You might need to learn a little bit more about your topic before you really start researching it.
Gathering some background information can help you:
Ask a Librarian for help if you need more background information on your topic.
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Read over your assignment and make sure you understand what it is you need to do. See if you can answer the following questions:
If you are picking your own topic, you might get ideas from:
Check your assignment to see if there are any guidelines related to what your topic can be. Check with your instructor if you have questions about whether a certain topic is acceptable for an assignment.
A librarian can help you narrow or expand your topic or help you do pre-research to see if a topic is a good fit for you and your assignment.
When choosing keywords to use for searching, think about your topic. What are the main ideas that you are interested in? What words could be used to describe these ideas?
Instead of a long sentence like, "Teens shouldn't have tiktok because it's bad for them," take out the extra words and focus on the key words.
And consider what related terms or synonyms you might need.
teen* = teen, teens, teenager, teenagers
"social media" = only gives results where both words are used exactly this way
Teens AND social media = the articles must include both key terms.
Teens OR Teenagers = either term is OK
social media NOT social network = cuts out results that don't match your needs