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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Overview

General library overview for beginning research and finding resources in GIS

TCC Writing Centers

pencil iconThe Writing Centers at TCC are located on every campus and can help you with your citation and formatting questions. Visit the Writing and Reading Support Canvas page to chat with a tutor, schedule an appointment, and learn more about their services and how they can help. 

Presentation Tips and Resources

Your presentations will make up a large portion of your final grade for this course. This makes it vitally important that you prepare yourself adequately to speak to your peers, both for this class and your other courses. This can be worrisome for those who lack experience speaking before audiences. Thankfully, there is nothing to worry about, as TCC has plentiful resources to help you gain the tools and experience you need to deliver a fantastic presentation.

Tips For Conference Presenting

Tips for Preparing a Scientific Conference Presentation