This guide has been designed to assist you in your research for INRW 0399.
Click on the tabs above to be directed to specific research sources. The "Books" tab will help you in locating and choosing books owned by the TCC libraries. The "Databases and Articles" tab will help you search for articles in library subscription databases to which the TCC libraries subscribe. The "Streaming Video" tab will help you search for streaming video resources to which the TCC libraries subscribe. The "Citing Sources" tab will link you to documents and websites that will help you formulate your works cited page. The "Plagiarism" tab refers you to TCC's Scholastic Dishonesty policy and websites and tutorials where you can learn to avoid plagiarism in your academic work.
Learning new material may be time-intensive, so budget your time accordingly and make sure you use all the resources available to you, including the library.