Although mostly unseen by us, moths are everywhere. And their capacity to delight astounds. Inspired by a revelatory encounter with a Poplar Hawk-moth - a huge, velvety-winged wonder wrapped in silver - James Lowen embarks on a year-long quest to celebrate the joy of Britain's rarest and most remarkable moths.
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British Moths is the most comprehensive collection of photographs of British moths ever published. It covers both macro and micro species, and the images are all of living insects, taken in natural conditions. Concise text descriptions cover wingspan, status and distribution, flight period, habitat and larval foodplants, while thumbnail maps provide a quick overview of geographical distributions.
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How fast do butterflies fly? Does a butterfly have ears? Do they sleep? Does a caterpillar have a skeleton? How does a moth get out of its cocoon? What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth? And just what is a skipper? Every year, thousands of people visit butterfly conservatories to stand in quiet awe of the simple beauty displayed by these magical creatures. Hazel Davies and Carol A. Butler capture the sense of wonderment and curiosity experienced by adults and children alike in this book about butterflies and their taxonomic cousins, the moths and the skippers.
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A field guide to butterflies and moths around the world, each depicted by a full-color photograph with a caption that describes key features and points of differentiation.
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This latest edition of the Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland has been fully revised, updated and restructured, bringing it in line with the latest thinking in taxonomy.
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In 1973, Anne Kennedy's brother Philip was partying on a hillside when he accidentally fell to his death. Among books and records, Philip left a poem typed in Courier on thick, cream, letter-sized paper...In 'Moth hour,' Anne Kennedy returns to the death of her brother and the world he inhabited, writing 'Thirty-three transformations on a theme of Philip' and concluding with a longer poem, 'The Thé.' —Publisher's website.
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This welcome addition to Iowa's popular series of laminated guides-the twenty-seventh in the series-illustrates fifty-one species commonly found in the Upper Midwest states of Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
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A poem by Polish Poet: Bolesław Leśmian (1877–1937)
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Marc E. Epstein provides a complete biography of Harrison Gray Dyar, Jr., one of the most influential biologists of the twentieth century. Epstein chronicles Dyar's impressive scientific accomplishments in the field of entomology, as well as his complicated personal life and many eccentricities
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Insects boast incredible diversity, and this book treats an important component of the western insect biota that has not been summarized before--moths and their plant relationships. There are about 8,000 named species of moths in our region, and although most are unnoticed by the public, many attract attention when their larvae create economic damage: eating holes in woolens, infesting stored foods, boring into apples, damaging crops and garden plants, or defoliating forests. In contrast to previous North American moth books, this volume discusses and illustrates about 25% of the species in eve.
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This book presents topical research from across the globe in the study of the types, ecological significance and control methods of moths. Topics discussed include the moth Steniscadia poliophaea(noctuidae) as as potent enemy of young mahogany trees in Amazonian forests; pest management of the microlepidoptera in fruit production and its economic significance; moth sex-pheromone production; the moth reproductive physiology and natural enemy pressure; sublethal effects of pesticides on exposed moths and their unexposed progen and the genetics of interactions among moths, their host plants and enemies in Crimean oak forests
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In The Blue Moth of Morning, P. C. Vandall by turns acknowledges, embraces and subverts clichés of female relationships, emotions and bodies, exposing the inner tumult women often try to conceal under a thin veneer of aplomb.
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Helena María Viramontes' acclaimed debut story collection exploring the social, economic and cultural impositions that shape women's lives is now available in a new bilingual edition that contains a first-ever Spanish translation.
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