TCC Catalog Search on the library homepage is the best tool to use to find books, e-books, and DVDs. Try your search here:
Select "In the Library" from the drop-down menu to limit your search to books, movies, and audiobooks that live in one of our TCC campus libraries.
Select "Ebooks" from the drop-down menu if you'd prefer to get a list of electronic books that you can read online or download to your device.
Enter your keywords and select where to search
Make sure you select the best search for your needs:
Filter your results to narrow down your options
On the left hand side you will find many options by which to refine your results. You can refine by:
The options shown will vary depending on your search.
Find the item you need
Each entry in the list of results includes information about the title, author, format, and availability of the item.
To view more information about a particular item in your search, simply select the title to find out:
What is the best source to use for my research?