This guide has been developed to assist you in the research for your ENGL 1302 class.
The "General Literary Criticism Research" tab above contains information about researching in the library subscription databases, which databases to use to conduct literary research and a quick video about using the TCC libraries to conduct literary research.
The "Advanced Literary Criticism Research" tab above contains information and step-by-step instructions on conducting an advanced search in the Literature Resource Center database as well as information on using the Gale Literary Index to search for literary criticism in library reference works.
Under "Citing Sources" you will find videos, websites and documents to help you format your works cited page.
The "Plagiarism" tab contains information and a tutorial on avoiding plagiarism in your written work.
Choosing the subject of your literary research can sometimes be the most difficult part of the process, there are so many authors from which to choose! You need to make certain that you choose an author whose work you find interesting as well as an author whose work has been critiqued often enough to allow you to meet the research requirements for your ENGL 1302 research paper. Perhaps this list will help you narrow your choices:
Short Story Writers