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BUSI 1301 NW: Citing

Citing Sources in MLA Style

There is a copy of the MLA Handbook For Writers of Research Papers by Joseph Gibaldi in the reference collection at each campus. This is the official style guide published by the Modern Language Association, and contains a wealth of information on how to cite sources as well as how to format your paper.

Note: Students should check with their instructor or campus library to determine acceptable style format. Remember, your instructor is the final authority for all citation questions.

Citing Sources in APA Style

There is a copy of the  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association in the reference collection at each campus. This is the official APA style guide. Students should check with their instructor or campus library to determine acceptable style format.

Remember, your instructor is the final authority for all citation questions.

Plagarism Resources - good resource for understanding what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

Turnitin Writecycle - this tool is used by TCC students to check their papers for plagiarism prior to submitting them for a grade. See your instructor for sign up instructions.

TCCD Plagiarism Tutorial - this tutorial contains a flash video detailing what plagiarism is and also includes a post test.