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HIST 2321 SO Elkins: Assignments

This guide has been specially designed to assist you in your research for your HIST 2321 assignments. The "Book Resources" and "Database Resources" tabs will guide you to finding specific types of sources that you can list in your annotated bibliography


World Civ Paper 1

Assignment description:

You will pick one of the following research topics to write a minimum of 1000 words on.  Your paper should analyze critically the topic chosen, focusing on why rather than on summary or description of what happened.  Your job is to explain and analytically explore a critical point in history.

Your research should be supported by a minimum of 4 secondary or scholarly sources and 2 primary sources (archeological record will be included on primary sources).  Choose the topic that you are the most interested in and can thoroughly explain and argue your points.

There are several steps that are required within your research paper process that will be graded for complete credit in the assignment such as the Proposal Thesis, Peer Review, and the Final Draft which will include a works cited page.  Each part of this process is meant to help you address your strengths and weaknesses within writing and/or research points, as well as hopefully help out your overall grade on the final product.

  1. Proposal Thesis: due date TBA- 2 weeks before your paper is due
    1. For this part of the assignment, you will submit via Canvas turnitin two things.  1. Which topic question you have chosen for your research paper, and 2. Your overarching thesis/argument you will be making throughout your paper
    2. This part of the assignment will be given feedback so that you can make adjustments for your Final Draft.  Make sure your thesis is specific, can be supported, and is clear.
    3. Keep in mind that your thesis is not set in stone.  As you progress in your research you may have to make adjustments to your thesis, but this initial proposal thesis will help you get your bearings on what you should be focusing on.
    4. This part of the assignment is optional, but if submitted on time and correctly, +5 points will be added to your final grade on the paper assignment
  2. Peer Review: due date TBA- last day of class before paper is due
    1. Good writing is a process which takes time and revision.  Feedback helps develop your writing skills and improve your arguments.  The better you initial draft, the more useful a peer review is for your writing skills. 
    2. This will be done outside of class and can be looked at a peer from your class, or someone outside of class (a parent would also be acceptable). 
    3. The review of your paper must be printed and marked on by the person reviewing it. 
    4. The review of your paper also must include a printed version of the grading rubric and the person reviewing you must grade your paper using the rubric.  They should write Final Grade at the top and write out the grade they would give you on the assignment next to those words.
    5. Also acceptable as a peer review is if you attend a secession at the writing center.  Ask them if they can grade your paper, but if they cannot, please ask them to email me as proof that you attended a secession at the writing center
  3. Final Draft: Due Date TBA
    1. Submit your paper to Canvas turnitin by midnight on the chosen due date by your class.  If you have problems with turnitin make sure to email me with your attached paper so that it won’t be counted late.  (keep in mind 2 minutes past midnight will be considered late and will include those consequences)
    2. For each 24 hours period your paper is late, 10 points or one letter grade will be subtracted from your paper after it is graded.  Still something is better than nothing!
    3. Paper should include 6 secondary or scholarly sources
    4. Paper should be typed, indent paragraphs, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New roman, aligned to left
    5. NO COVER PAGES- it’s just a waste of space in my opinion.  However, you should include a title that is aligned in the center and at the top of the paper.  Also any information given in header will not be included in word count
    6. Please use quotations for direct quotes form sources or this will be considered plagiarism
    7. As this is a research paper you will need to include a Works Cited page at the end.  Be sure to include all sources used within this page.  You can use more than the required amount.  You should have two parts with separate titles for your Primary and Secondary sources (if you use any primary sources).
    8. Paper can be written in MLA, APA, or Chicago style, but you must include which style is used within your works cited title.  (Example: MLA Works Cited: Primary Sources)
    9. The grading rubric presented online will be used to directly grade your paper, be sure to use this when writing your paper

Pick one of the following research topics to write your 1000 to 1200 word research paper.

  1. What were the possible motivations behind the advent of farming  Focus on 3 reasons or less.  Be Specific.
  2. Why did so many civilizations fall or decline around 1000 BCE?  Focus on 3 reasons or less.  Be specific.
  3. Compare and contrast 2 of the 4 River Valley Civilizations.  Focus on 3 topics or less.  Be Specific.
  4. What differentiates the 4 River Valley “Civilizations” from other societies of that time?  Focus on 3 topics or less.  Be Specific.
  5. Your own topic.  If you choose this, you must send in your proposal topic at least 2 weeks before the determined Due Date, and it must be approved by me.  Be Specific.

World Civ Paper 2

Assignment description:

You will pick one of the following research topics to write a minimum of 1000 words on.  Your paper should analyze critically the topic chosen, focusing on why rather than on summary or description of what happened.  Your job is to explain and analytically explore a critical point in history.

Your research should be supported by a minimum of 4 secondary or scholarly sources and 2 primary sources (archeological record will be included on primary sources).  Choose the topic that you are the most interested in and can thoroughly explain and argue your points.

There are several steps that are required within your research paper process that will be graded for complete credit in the assignment such as the Proposal Thesis, Peer Review, and the Final Draft which will include a works cited page.  Each part of this process is meant to help you address your strengths and weaknesses within writing and/or research points, as well as hopefully help out your overall grade on the final product.

  1. Proposal Thesis: due date- 2 weeks before your paper is due (November 10, 2018)
    1. For this part of the assignment, you will submit via Canvas turnitin two things.  1. Which topic question you have chosen for your research paper, and 2. Your overarching thesis/argument you will be making throughout your paper
    2. This part of the assignment will be given feedback so that you can make adjustments for your Final Draft.  Make sure your thesis is specific, can be supported, and is clear.
    3. Keep in mind that your thesis is not set in stone.  As you progress in your research you may have to make adjustments to your thesis, but this initial proposal thesis will help you get your bearings on what you should be focusing on.
    4. This part of the assignment is optional, but if submitted on time and correctly, +5 points will be added to your final grade on the paper assignment (you may submit this late and get feedback but you will get no extra points on the final grade of your assignment.)
  2. Peer Review: due date- last day of class before paper is due (November 15, 2018)
    1. Good writing is a process which takes time and revision.  Feedback helps develop your writing skills and improve your arguments.  The better you initial draft, the more useful a peer review is for your writing skills. 
    2. This will be done outside of class and can be looked at a peer from your class, or someone outside of class (a parent would also be acceptable). 
    3. The review of your paper must be printed and marked on by the person reviewing it. 
    4. The review of your paper also must include a printed version of the grading rubric and the person reviewing you must grade your paper using the rubric.  They should write Final Grade at the top and write out the grade they would give you on the assignment next to those words.
    5. Also acceptable as a peer review is if you attend a secession at the writing center.  Ask them if they can grade your paper, but if they cannot, please ask them to email me as proof that you attended a secession at the writing center
    6. This part of the assignment is optional, but if submitted on time and correctly, +5 points will be added to your final grade on the paper assignment
  3. Final Draft: Due Date November 24, 2018
    1. Submit your paper to canvas turnitin by midnight on the chosen due date by your class.  If you have problems with turnitin make sure to email me with your attached paper so that it won’t be counted late.  (keep in mind 2 minutes past midnight will be considered late and will include those consequences)
    2. For each 24 hours period your paper is late, 10 points or one letter grade will be subtracted from your paper after it is graded.  Still something is better than nothing!
    3. Paper should include 2 primary sources from the time period and place you are looking at.
    4. Paper should include 4 secondary or scholarly sources.
    5. Paper should be typed, indent paragraphs, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New roman, aligned to left
    6. NO COVER PAGES- it’s just a waste of space in my opinion.  However, you should include a title that is aligned in the center and at the top of the paper.  Also any information given in header will not be included in word count
    7. Please use quotations for direct quotes form sources or this will be considered plagiarism
    8. As this is a research paper you will need to include a Works Cited page at the end.  Be sure to include all sources used within this page.  You can use more than the required amount.  You should have two parts with separate titles for your Primary and Secondary sources (if you use any primary sources).
    9. Paper can be written in MLA, APA, or Chicago style, but you must include which style is used within your works cited title.  (Example: MLA Works Cited: Primary Sources)
    10. The grading rubric presented online will be used to directly grade your paper, be sure to use this when writing your paper

Pick one of the following research topics to write your 1000 to 1200 word research paper.

  1. What thinking changed during the Axial Age? Explain what these changes were exactly.  Focus on 2 topics or less.  Be Specific.
  2. Compare or contrast Greek and Roman civilizations.  Focus on 3 topics or less.  Be Specific.
  3. Describe the role of Women in a particular society.  Could be Roman, Greek, Persia, Japan, a specific dynasty of China… Focus on 4 points or less and choose a particular couple of centuries at most.  Be Specific.
  4. The Americas and parts of Africa were very isolated from the rest of the world.  Choose one of the two and explain how this isolation affected them in development.  Be Specific.
  5. Your own topic.  If you choose this, you must send in your proposal topic at least 2 weeks before the determined Due Date, and it must be approved by me.  Be Specific.