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Nursing Overview: Home

This guide includes everything TCC nursing students need to complete research assignments.

Hello, future nurses!

This website was created to help you with the kind of research you will need to do while you're in school-as well as in your career.  I've tried to include everything I think you'll need to write good papers. 

If I have forgotten ANYTHING or if anything is unclear, please let me know!  My contact information is all over this site.  Please reach out if you need help with anything; I am YOUR librarian as long as you are here at TRC (and beyond, if you like).  It is my absolute pleasure to work with you!

I am available for individual research assistance.  Just click on the Help! tab and schedule an appointment. You'll have my undivided attention!


Good luck!

P.S. Here is a website with some great advice for nursing students: 20 Habits to Help You Hack Nursing School

TR Assistant Director of Library Services

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TR Library - Danelle Toups
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