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Nursing Overview: Writing Assignments by Class

This guide includes everything TCC nursing students need to complete research assignments.

How to write a paper

As you begin learning to write nursing papers, you may find it difficult to find "good" articles.  Nursing papers are different than anything you have written before.  You are no longer repeating information you found or writing a paper that "says what you want to say."  Now you will be telling the reader about an empirical study/original research [evidence] and how the results of that study impact nursing [practice].

This is where you librarian is your best friend! I can find those sneaky sources for you!  Want to know a secret?  Many nursing instructors just ask the librarian to find articles for them, too!  When you are a working nurse, you'll probably ask a librarian to help you find resources.  There is no shame is not knowing how to find resources!  If everyone could do it on their own, I'd be out of a job!  Let's agree that when I need a shot, I'll come to you, and when you need any kind of research, you'll come to me.  Deal?

EBP Project
Click on the EBP folder in Canvas to access all information related to this project.

What this paper is about

The purpose of the culture paper is to identify a health issue that is common in the cultural group you selected.  You need to explain to your reader how a nurse would help a patient from your identified culture with the identified health issue. 

The introductory paragraph will explain to the reader who your cultural group is and what health condition you will be discussing. 

Each body paragraph will be a summation of the articles you find. 

The conclusion will be your explanation of how a nurse would help (intervention).


The following databases will assist you in locating relevant articles.

Information about Cultures

These resources have useful information about cultures that may be helpful in your paper.


This website has wonderful information about health conditions as they relate to culture as well as how some cultural aspects relate to health care.   

Think Cultural Health
From the Office of Minority Health (OMH), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
, Think Cultural Health is an OMH initiative that provides health and health care professionals with information, continuing education opportunities, and resources to learn about and implement Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) and the National CLAS Standards. Explore other Think Cultural Health resources related to the National CLAS Standards:

Health Policy Institute:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Improving Patient Safety Systems for Patients With Limited English Proficiency:

Cultural Competence and Patient Safety:

Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
How to Improve Cultural Competence in Health Care:


Culture and healthcare: When medicine and culture intersect:

Cultures and Health: An Introduction:

Teaching Assignment

As you are putting together your presentation, remember that you will be teaching other nurses how to help patients. You will not be teaching patients.  If your assigned topic involves patient education, your presentation should include tips for nurses on how to teach patients.

Much of the information needed for this project is "background"; which you will find in text-based databases or books.

If you would like to include new techniques or practices, use the nursing journal databases.

Remember, all the databases will create APA citations for you.

If you need any help with PowerPoint, please reach out.  I can show you some tricks and tips.

There is currently no known research assignment for peds.

APA format for Nurse Practice Act:

Texas Board of Nursing. (2021). Nursing practice act, nursing peer review & licensure compact: Texas occupations code.

[Be sure to put this into hanging indent format once you paste it to your paper.]

Health Issues Around the World

In this paper, you are comparing the degree of severity of a health condition in American to the degree of severity in another country or around the world, presenting information about factors associated with the condition, and then explaining how nurses can help (based on the information presented in the paper).  Sometimes helping involves educating the patient; sometimes helping requires being a patent advocate; sometimes helping just means educating yourself.  Once you understand the problem, you can determine how to best help.

For this paper, you will need to find (I believe): 2 nursing texts, 3 nursing journal articles, and perhaps a professional website or two.

Text sources provide background information about a clinical condition or health issue. These kinds of sources help you better understand a condition and how you, the nurse, can help.  These sources represent what is historically known about an issue. The nursing texts can include your textbook, but do not have to. For a second nursing text, try the Nursing Reference Center database. Click on the tab Finding Articles, drop down to Nursing Texts, then select Nursing Reference Center. When you find an article, be sure to email it to yourself with the APA 7 citation.

Journal articles are studies related to the health issue. These sources provide new information about an issue.  What is the latest treatment, technique, or understanding of an issue or condition? In order to stay up to date on how to provide the best care for a patient, nurses need to regularly read journal studies. The best place to locate nursing journal articles is in the CINAHL database.  Click on the tab Finding Articles, drop down to Nursing Journal Articles, then select CINAHL. When you find an article, be sure to email it to yourself with the APA 7 citation.

Professional websites include those that provide statistics that allow you to compare the rates of a disease or condition.  For international health stats, I recommend the World Health Organization ( For health stats from the US, try the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( To see how to site these source, click on the tab APA 7 and drop down to APA 7 Citations.

It may take years for the new information from a study to become part of the historical literature, so it is important to be familiar with both types of sources.

Ultimately, all nursing research is about determining the nurse's role in the helping the patient. 

Here is a possible structure of the paper:


What is the health issue? How does this health issue impact people or countries or economies, etc.? How bad is it around the world vs. the US?


Share what was found in the text sources. What is the background of the issue?

Share what you learned from the journal studies.  What was the objective of the study? How was the study conducted? What was learned from the study?


Nursing interventions based on information presented.  What can one nurse do independently to help a patient?  All interventions must be a result of the information presented from research. Be specific.  (A general statement that nurses should be 'educated' is meaningless. It would be better to say, "Nurses should educate themselves on the symptoms of this rare condition in order to avoid any possibility of misdiagnosis." Now you have explained the 'what' and the 'why' of the education.)