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This Research Guide s designed to assist you in your research for Introduction to Cinema Final

Welcome to Introduction to Cinema

Welcome to Introduction to Cinema. This Introduction to Cinema Research Guide is designed to help you easily locate the information you need to complete your Introduction to Cinema Final Project.

This Guide provides pointers for getting started with your research; however, your Introduction to Cinema Final Project will require some information that can only be obtained from you. For instance, , the film structure; what type of editing, use of color, and the type of lighting that was used in the film, etc. Helpful tip: use lectures notes and the textbook.

Introduction to Cinema -PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation
(You may also use Microsoft Movie Maker or a similar program if you would rather)
Please select a film which:
has not been previously used for a lab assignment
has been approved by Ms. Floyd and recorded on the Class Sheet

The final power point should:

  • be presented in a creative PowerPoint or movie format
  • include visuals (photos or stills and color)
  • reference sources cited on the final slide
  • have slides that are clearly labeled for content, ex. Montage
(If a slide is not clearly labeled with the content heading you may not receive credit for the slide).
This assignment will not be graded if it is not in PowerPoint or movie format. You must be present in class to present your PowerPoint. You must submit a hard copy of the PowerPoint to Ms. Floyd.
Be certain to:
  • Italicize film titles every time, ex. Parasites
  • Give credit to the source of your content
  • Avoid copying and pasting
  • Use terms from class to discuss your analysis
 Final Film PowerPoint Presentation Grading Rubric          
___Film Title (2 points) The film title should be in italics every time it is used
___ Good Story-Discussed all 5 elements (10 points possible) __  __  __  __  __
___Mise-en-scene-discussed all elements except lighting (10 points possible)
___Continuity Editing Techniques used and benefits-Show examples (3 points each)
___Establishing shots/Reestablishing shots 
___180/30 degree rule
___Parallel Editing
___Match on Action
___Eyeline Match
___Classical Editing 
  ___Predominant shot types (5 points)
___Predominate Camera Angles (5 points)
___Compositions (5 points)
___POVs (5 points)
___Montage (5 points)
     ___ Music and functions (5 points)
     ___*Lighting (5 points) description and purpose
     ___Personal response to the film (5 points)
     ___Sources cited (10 points)
___PowerPoint presentation--demonstrate creativity (10 points) This means make intentional choices that reflect the film you have chosen. Student must be present in class for the presentation to receive credit for the project.      
     Final Grade_____(Points possible, 100)

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