The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is the best place to start looking for information on your film. Just enter your film name in the search box and click on search to find information about your film such as cast and crew, plot summaries, box office returns, filming locations and dates and much more. You will need to look at the "Combined Details", "Full Cast and Crew", and "Box Office/Business" areas highlighted in the screen shot below to make sure you get all the information that IMDB has that is pertinent to your film project.
If you can't locate the MPAA rating for or need an explanation of the film ratings, use the MPAA movie ratings website.
The David Bordwell website contain information and formulas to help you figure out the average shot length for your film.
Box Office works very similarly to IMDB, just enter your film name in the search box to locate your film record on the website. In most cases, Box Office will give you weekly box office information and number of screens in release for your film as well as comparisons to other films in the same genre.
Use the Box Office website to compare box office revenues of films that are similar to the film you are researching. Once you have found your film on the Box Office website, click on the tab labeled similar movies:to see a list of other films in that genre and their total box office gross.
Choose two or three of the films from the list to compare to the film you are researching.
Rotten Tomatoes is a website that collects film reviews, both reviews written by professionals and reviews written by the average viewer. Search for your film title on the Rotten Tomatoes site much as you would on the IMDB website. Once you have reached the Rotten Tomatoes page for your film, click on the Top Critics tab:
Now, scroll down the page to see brief critical comments and links to professional critiques of the film. Try to choose reviewers who are associated with a magazine or newspaper that has links to the actual film review.
The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) is the best place to start looking for information on your director. Just enter your director's name in the search box and click on search to find information about him or her such as cast and directing dates, artists the director works with, director film's, awards, and much more.
Once you have located your Director in the IMDB website, scroll down the page to find the index to the information about your director. You will need to look at the "Filmography," "Personal Details," and areas highlighted in the screen shot below to make sure you get all the information that IMDB has that is pertinent to your project.
It is quite likely that your director's films were reviewed when they were first released in the movie theaters. To locate reviews that may have appeared in newspapers and magazines, try using one of these library database searches.
To search for the director's movie reviews, you'll need to add the name of your director to the search, like this:
In the LexisNexis and New York Times databases you will need to search for your film name and the word review, like this:
"name of director" and review"