Welcome to Introduction to Cinema. This Introduction to Cinema Research Guide is designed to help you easily locate the information you need to complete your Introduction to Cinema Final Project.
This Guide provides pointers for getting started with your research; however, your Introduction to Cinema Final Project will require some information that can only be obtained from you. For instance, the film structure; what type of editing, use of color, and the type of lighting that was used in the film, etc. Helpful tip: use lectures notes and the textbook.
Film Appreciation Final Presentation Grading Sheet
___Film Name
___Significant of Title (in your own words explain the title of the movie)
___Film rating
___Date of Release
___ Running Time
___ Actors' Names
___Name of Director
___Names of Producers
___Name of Cinematographer
___Critical reviews of the film
___Comparison to similar films and their box office revenues
___*Structure (use the textbook)
___Plot (in your own words explain the movie)
___*Characters (use the textbook and study your film)
___*Editing(use the textbook to help you determine what type editing was used)
___*Use of color and Lighting use the textbook and study your film)
___*Music and Sound (study your film and read the textbook for help)
___*Acting (look at other bodies of work by the Actor(s))
___*Directing (look at other bodies of work by the Director)
___Personal review of film
___Sources cited
___PowerPoint presentation Grade________/300
*Information can be found in your textbook or from the movie itself.
**Presentation must be presented in class by the student and be complete to receive credit.