What is World Kindness Day?
World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. It is celebrated on November 13 of each year and has the purpose is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. This understanding has the power to bridge the gap between nations.
It's a movement where people attempt to make the world a better place by promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness. Currently, this day is celebrated in over 28 countries all over the world by individuals and organizations who want to support this cause.
World Kindness Day is an international movement, introduced in 1998 by a coalition of nations’ kindness NGO’s (Non-Government Organizations). It was first formed in 1997 by Tokyo Conference of like-minded kindness organizations. Many other countries and organizations started to follow close behind this movement, incorporating other NGOs that supported the same message.
What YOU can do!
Make it known: Spread kindness, where ever you go, to whoever you meet
Execute a random act of kindness: You can do something as little as opening a door for somebody, or something as big as paying for somebody's coffee
Keep being Kind: Be kind in your everyday life
Be genuine: Make sure your act of kindness comes from an honest place
Retrieved from: https://inspirekindness.com/world-kindness-day
Acts of Kindness Suggestions