See the list below kindness books that are held in the library. These books are available NOW for checkout via curbside/front door pickup!
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher* A timely collection of 26 inspiring tales,The Kindness of Strangers explores the unexpected human connections that so often transfigure and transform the experience of travel, and celebrates the gift of kindness around the world.Featuring stories by Jan Morris, Tim Cahill, Simon Winchester and Dave Eggers. Igreatly appreciate the theme of this book that gathers stories of kindness received when it was most needed and perhaps least expected. I am sure they will inspire everyone who reads them, encouraging each of us to take whatever opportunities arise to be kind to others in turn.-
Following little Shannon's life from kindergarten through fifth grade, Real Friends captures the emotional roller coaster ride of friendship, from navigating the tricky waters of cliques and bullies to her never-ending struggle to stay in "The Group." Shannon's honest and heartfelt story reminds us of how hard it was to learn what real friends are--and why finding them is worth the journey.
In his bestselling book Join Me, Danny Wallace instructs his legions of followers to perform a 'Random Act of Kindness' every Friday. As a result, his thousands of followers (dubbed the Karma Army), without warning, made people happier the length and breadth of the country. Now in Random Acts of Kindness Danny and the gang bring you a hilarious, well-meaning book to encourage you to perform Random Acts of your own. 'Now, at last, the secret to a happier world! You have the power to make it a nicer place! All over the planet, thousands of people just like you are performing Random Acts of Kindness for complete strangers. This book contains 365 real Random Acts of Kindness real people have done for real strangers.
The authors of the national bestseller THE POWER OF NICE once again tackle conventional wisdom with a provocative and counterintuitive book about the importance of sweating the small stuff in our lives and in our careers. Our smallest actions and gestures often have outsized impact on our biggest goals, say Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval. Did you double-check that presentation one last time, or hold the elevator for a stranger? In today's challenging times, bigger isn't always better. In fact, it's often the baby steps that put us on the path to delivering a true competitive advantage. The real secret to getting ahead in life and in our careers is to refocus our attention on the small details that, if disregarded, can sabotage a multimillion-dollar ad campaign or undermine your most important relationships. Kaplan Thaler and Koval show how to get more of what you want with surprisingly less than you'd imagine. Written in the same entertaining, story-driven style that made THE POWER OF NICE the go-to book for finishing first, THE POWER OF SMALL demonstrates how all of us can harness the power of small to improve and reinvent our lives.
A powerful and inspiring examination of the connection between the potential for great talent and conditions commonly thought to be "disabilities," revealing how the source of our struggles can be the origin of our greatest strengths. In this pioneering work, readers will find engaging scientific research and stories from historical geniuses and everyday individuals who have not only made the most of their conditions, but who have flourishedbecause of them. They are leaning into their brain differences to: *Identify areas of interest and expertise *Develop work arounds *Create the environments that best foster their talents *Forge rewarding interpersonal relationships Enlightening and inspiring,The Power of Different proves that the unique wiring of every brain can be a source of strength and productivity, and contributes to the richness of our world.
Kindness is the foundation of the world' s great religions and most-enduring philosophies. Why, then, does being kind feel so dangerous? If we crave kindness with such intensity, why is it a pleasure we often deny ourselves? And why - despite our longing - are we often suspicious when we are on the receiving end of it? In this brilliant book, the eminent psychoanalyst Adam Phillips and the historian Barbara Taylor examine the pleasures and perils of kindness.On Kindness argues that a life lived in instinctive, sympathetic identification with others is the one we should allow ourselves to live. Bursting with often shocking insight, this brief and essential book will return to its readers what Marcus Aurelius declared was mankind' s "greatest delight" : the intense satisfactions of generosity and compassion.
Discover simple yet powerful steps you can take to overcome emotional distress--and feel happier, calmer, and more confident. This life-changing book has already helped more than 1,200,000 readers use cognitive-behavioral therapy--one of today's most effective forms of psychotherapy--to conquer depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, and relationship problems.
"Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World" is an exploration of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity, the so-called "Brahmaviharas" or Divine Abodes. Combining a close reading of several suttas from the Pali Canon with personal reflections on trying to fulfill the Buddha's challenge to be free from ill-will, the book is at once intimate and far-reaching in its scope. "'In Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World, ' Kevin Griffin offers a clear and well-sourced reflection of the classical Buddhist teaching on loving-kindness practice. Skillfully contextualizing these teachings for our current time, Kevin shows that the teachings are as alive and relevant today as they were when they were first taught 2,600 years ago. Kevin has written an exceptional book, one that could serve equally well as a starting point for understanding the Buddhist teaching on kindness or to deepen your understanding in an already established meditation practice." / The Best Leadership Books of 2008 By now, many leaders have realized that when it comes to business, nice guys often finish first. Old-fashioned images of corporate callousness and greed have been replaced by a gentler, more human conception of great leadership. But how does one define "kindness" in the context of business? And what is the best way to "use" this deceptively complex notion as a guiding principle to lead an organization successfully into the future? Far from presenting a naive idea of kindness, this eye-opening book identifies the surprising attributes successful "kind" leaders share. Readers will learn how they can use kindness to: * motivate employees, committee members, and others * recognize unique talents while nurturing all employees * establish a supportive environment * spur continuous organizational growth * adapt to change * stimulate calculated "stretch" and risk-taking * prepare the next generation of leaders This realistic book shows leaders how they can use sincerity, honesty, and respect for the good of their organizations.
Many of us care deeply about the fate of young people growing up in poverty. We worry about their future and the future of an increasingly fragmented society. We want to help, but often don't know how, or even where to begin. The Kindness of Strangers reveals how caring adults in cities across America are trying to turn young lives around. It also tells of the much-celebrated mentoring movement they have created. Based on interviews with over 300 mentors, young people, scholars, and youth workers, this book takes a hard look at mentoring and asks some critical questions: how much can mentoring really accomplish? what does it take to be a successful mentor? what makes the difference between an effective program and one fraught with difficulties? Marc Freedman brings experience, research, and realism to these questions in an effort to present the truth about the mentoring movement sweeping America today.
This inspiring meditation on kindness is based on his popular commencement address. Three months after George Saunders gave a graduation address at Syracuse University, a transcript of that speech was posted on the website of The New York Times, where its simple, uplifting message struck a deep chord. Within days, it had been shared more than one million times. Why? Because Saunders's words tap into a desire in all of us to lead kinder, more fulfilling lives. Powerful, funny, and wise, Congratulations, by the way is an inspiring message from one of today's most influential and original writers. Praise for Congratulations, by the way "As slender as a psalm, and as heavy."--The New York Times
Orly Wahba is on a mission to make kindness go viral. She spreads her infectious positivity with videos, speeches, kindness dances and marathons, and now this book. Kindness Boomerang contains 365 daily acts, one for each day of the year, accompanied by inspirational quotes, personal stories on the power of paying it forward, and tangible steps to change your outlook on life. This book will empower readers to bring positivity to themselves and those around them. Wahba invites you to practice kindness in relationships, kindness with yourself, kindness with nature and kindness in many more forms. This book is a call to action for anyone who wants to live a more connected and fulfilling life. Sample Act: Create a kindness kit: Fill up a bag with socks, a blanket, mouthwash, gloves, a snack, and anything else you can think of. Keep it in your trunk ready to give to someone in need. "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." ~Lao Tzu Reflection: For most, socks aren't an extravagant gift but for those who are homeless it can make a big difference.
A pop culture celebration of Fred Rogers and the enduring legacy of his beloved, award-winning PBS show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood that offers essential wisdom to help us in our troubled times. Won't you be my neighbor? Kindness and Wonder pays tribute to this cultural icon: the unique, gentle man who embodied the best of what we could be. Looking back at the history of the show and the creative visionary behind it, pop culture aficionado Gavin Edwards reminds us of the indelible lessons and insights that Mister Rogers conveyed--what it means to be a good person, to be open-hearted, to be thoughtful, to be curious, to be compassionate--and why they matter. Beautifully crafted, infused with Mister Rogers' gentle spirit, and featuring dozens of interviews with people whose lives were touched by Fred Rogers--ranging from Rita Moreno to NFL Hall of Famer Lynn Swann--Kindness and Wonder is a love letter to this unforgettable cultural hero and role model, and the beautiful neighborhood he created.
Mindfulness is not enough... When we add kindness to mindfulness we get "kindfulness," a new approach to meditation. Kindfulness is the cause of relaxation. It brings ease to the body, to the mind, and to the world. Kindfulness allows healing to happen. So don't just be mindful, be kindful! With his trademark knack for telling engaging stories paired with step-by-step anyone-can-do-it instructions, Brahm brings alive and makes accessible powerful tools transformation. This slim, beautifully designed volume is a Quick Start guide for living a life of joy and compassion.
Human Kindness and the Smell of Warm Croissants makes philosophy fun, tactile, and popular. Moral thinking is simple, Ruwen Ogien argues, and as inherent as the senses. In our daily experiences, in the situations we confront and in the scenes we witness, we develop an understanding of right and wrong as sophisticated as the moral outlook of the world's most gifted philosophers. By drawing on this knowledge to navigate life's most perplexing problems, ethics becomes second nature. Ogien explores, through experimental philosophy and other methods, the responses nineteen real-world conundrums provoke. Ogien instead encourages readers to question moral presuppositions and rules; embrace an intuitive sense of dignity, virtue, and justice; and pursue a pluralist ethics suited to the principles of human kindness.
This book is a gentle reminder of a timeless rule for parent and child: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Everyone knows a version of the Golden Rule. But what does it really mean? And how do you follow it? In this gorgeously illustrated book, a grandfather explains to his grandson that the Golden Rule means you "treat people the way you would like to be treated. It's golden because it's so valuable, and a way of living your life that's so simple, it shines." And though it may be a simple rule, it isn't easy to follow. Fortunately, following the Golden Rule is something everyone can do,
Despite what you might have been told, we're not inherently selfish. The truth is we're inherently kind. Scientific evidence has proven that kindness changes the brain, impacts the heart and immune system, is an antidote to depression and even slows the ageing process. We're actually genetically wired to be kind. In The Five Side Effects of Kindness, David Hamilton shows that the effects of kindness are felt daily throughout our nervous system. When we're kind we feel happier and our bodies are healthiest. In his down-to-earth and accessible style, David shares how: · Kindness makes us happier · Kindness is good for the heart · Kindness slows ageing · Kindness improves relationships · Kindness is contagious
Each kindness makes the world a little better This unforgettable book is written and illustrated by the award-winning team that created The Other Side and the Caldecott Honor winner Coming On Home Soon. With its powerful anti-bullying message and striking art, it will resonate with readers long after they've put it down. Chloe and her friends won't play with the new girl, Maya. Every time Maya tries to join Chloe and her friends, they reject her. Eventually Maya stops coming to school. When Chloe's teacher gives a lesson about how even small acts of kindness can change the world, Chloe is stung by the lost opportunity for friendship, and thinks about how much better it could have been if she'd shown a little kindness toward Maya.
"Sometimes we are met with overwhelming challenges that knock us off our feet-but [Lizzie has] been able to embody the power of hope and compassion in everything [she does]." --Michelle Obama Born with a rare genetic condition, Lizzie Velasquez always knew she was different, but it wasn't until she was older that she understood what that meant to herself and others. In this daring, inspirational book, Lizzie reveals the hidden forces that give rise to self-doubt and empowers us to unlock empathy and kindness for ourselves and others. Through her own battles with anxiety and depression she demonstrates how we can overcome obstacles and move forward with greater positivity and hope. Dare to Be Kind offers the path to self-acceptance, love, and tolerance, and provides a framework for living with confidence and resilience, and ultimately, forging a radically compassionate world.