Since first being identified as a distinct psychiatric disorder in 1943, autism has been steeped in contestation and controversy. Present-day skirmishes over the potential causes of autism, how or even if it should be treated, and the place of Asperger's syndrome on the autism spectrum are the subjects of intense debate in the research community, in the media, and among those with autism and their families. Bringing together innovative work on autism by international scholars in the social sciences and humanities, Worlds of Autism boldly challenges the deficit narrative prevalent in both popular and scientific accounts of autism spectrum disorders, instead situating autism within an abilities framework that respects the complex personhood of individuals with autism.
A groundbreaking book on autism, by one of the world’s leading experts, who portrays autism as a unique way of being human—this is “required reading....Breathtakingly simple and profoundly positive” (Chicago Tribune). Autism therapy typically focuses on ridding individuals of “autistic” symptoms such as difficulties interacting socially, problems in communicating, sensory challenges, and repetitive behavior patterns. Now Dr. Barry M. Prizant offers a new and compelling paradigm: the most successful approaches to autism don’t aim at fixing a person by eliminating symptoms, but rather seeking to understand the individual’s experience and what underlies the behavior.
What causes autism? Is it a genetic disorder, or due to some unknown environmental hazard? Are we facing an autism epidemic? What are the main symptoms, and how does it relate to Asperger syndrome? Everyone has heard of autism, but the disorder itself is little understood. It has captured thepublic imagination through films and novels portraying individuals with baffling combinations of disability and extraordinary talent, and yet the reality is more often that it places a heavy burden on sufferers and their families. This Very Short Introduction offers a clear statement on what iscurrently known about autism and Asperger syndrome.
Even as the autism rate soars and the cost to our nation climbs well into the billions, a dangerous new idea is taking hold: There simply is no autism epidemic. The question is stark: Is autism ancient, a genetic variation that demands acceptance and celebration? Or is it new and disabling, triggered by something in the environment that is damaging more children every day? Authors Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted believe autism is new, that the real rate is rising dramatically, and that those affected are injured and disabled, not merely "neurodiverse."
As a boy, Raun Kaufman was diagnosed by multiple experts as severely autistic, with an IQ below 30, and destined to spend his life in an institution. Years later, Raun graduated with a degree in Biomedical Ethics from Brown University and has become a passionate and articulate autism expert and educator with no trace of his former condition. So what happened? Thanks to The Son-Rise Program, a revolutionary method created by his parents, Raun experienced a full recovery from autism.
Gold IPPY Award winner for Book of the Year, medicine category. When you need answers to your questions about anything related to autism, including early diagnosis, therapies, the buzz about vaccinations, social skills, self-esteem, planning for the future, coping skills, music therapy, or solving reading problems, this master collection gives you practical and proven answers. The Official Autism 101 Manual is the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of autism. Parents and professionals rave that this is your ultimate resource for understanding and responding to autism. With forty-four contributors--such as Temple Grandin, Bernard Rimland, Pat Wyman, Tony Attwood, Darold Treffert, and more--you learn from dozens of caring experts and supporters who bring you the best the autism community has to offer.
Move beyond conventional thinking about autism. . . . After years of treating patients and analyzing scientific data, prominent Harvard researcher and clinician Dr. Martha Herbert offers a revolutionary new view of autism and a transformative strategy for dealing with it. Autism is not a hardwired impairment programmed into a child's genes and destined to remain fixed forever, as we're often told. Instead, it is the result of a cascade of events, many seemingly minor- perhaps a genetic mutation, some toxic exposures, a stressful birth, a vitamin deficiency, and a series of infections. And while other doctors may dismiss your child's physical symptoms-the diarrhea, anxiety, sensory overload, sleeplessness, immune challenges, and seizures-as coincidental or irrelevant, Dr. Herbert sees them as vital clues to what the underlying problems are, and how to help. In The Autism Revolution, she teaches you how to approach autism as a collection of problems that can be overcome-and talents that can be developed.
Interventions and educational approaches for children with autism spectrum disorders have developed in response to the different models for how autism has been constructed and understood. This book explores the evolving theories on autism and how these have impacted the interventions and outcomes in education. Drawing on 30 years of professional experience and detailed research, Harvey exposes the myths around autism, advocates for understanding autism as difference rather than impairment, and provides practical guidance on teaching and learning, behaviour management, addressing sensory and physical needs of children with ASD. This accessible overview shows how to put autism research into practice, learn from historic mistakes and create the most supportive environment for children on the autism spectrum.
Known for her candor, Temple Grandin gets down to the real issues of autism, the ones parents, teachers, and individuals on the spectrum face every day. Temple offers helpful do's and don'ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her "insider" perspective and a great deal of current research. These are just some of the specific topics Temple delves into: How and why People with autism think differently. Economical early intervention programs that work. How sensory sensitivities affect learning. Behaviors caused by a disability vs. just bad behaviors. Alternative medicine vs. conventional medicine.
A New York Times bestseller Winner of the 2015 Samuel Johnson Prize for non-fiction A groundbreaking book that upends conventional thinking about autism and suggests a broader model for acceptance, understanding, and full participation in society for people who think differently.
One of the biggest fears of parents with children with autism is looming adulthood and all that it entails. In her new book Susan Senator takes the mystery out of adult life on the autism spectrum and conveys the positive message that even though autism adulthood is complicated and challenging, there are many ways to make it manageable and enjoyable. From her own son with autism, now twenty-five, she has learned "never say never." Autism Adulthood features thirty interviews with autistic adults, their parents, caregivers, researchers, and professionals. Each vignette reveals firsthand a family's challenge, their circumstances, their thought processes, and their unique solutions, and plans of action.
If you have a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), your journey together through the teenage years to adulthood may be complicated--not to mention confusing, rewarding, and financially challenging. This book offers scientifically validated guidance to help you raise your tween, teen, or young adult on the autism spectrum. It contains supportive advice for finding good medical and psychiatric care, helping your teen learn executive functioning and social skills to navigate middle and high school, and talking to your teen about sexual development and sexual activity. You will also find helpful resources for college and transition programs, as well as ideas for taking care of yourself as you embark on this stage of your parenting adventure.
"Are you beginning to see past the disability and starting toappreciate the gift?" In this unashamedly honest book, David Burnsdraws on his own lived experience of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) toprovide guidance on how to take advantage of the supposed disadvantage.The book is filled with often hilarious anecdotes, spanning theconfusion of his early diagnosis, to his marriage and life with hisfour children, as David proffers his advice on how to cope witheverything from school work to flirting. Part memoir, part guide, andwritten with a refreshingly funny outlook, this book can be picked upand dipped into whether you're looking for encouragement, practicalcoping strategies, or a perspective of life as seen through the lens ofASD.
The revised and updated edition of the groundbreaking book Asperger's and Girls describes the unique challenges of females on the autism spectrum. In it, you'll follow the lives of women with autism through childhood, the social and academic challenges of the education system, and into the career and dating worlds. You'll also hear from top experts on crucial and often under-discussed subjects, including: Diagnosing girls with ASD Navigating the neurotypical social world Puberty, sexual health, and personal safety Independence, relationships, and marriage The importance of the right career And so much more. This book is a necessity for women with autism and those who love and support them. Direct advice from leading professionals and candid stories written by the indomitable women who have lived them send an important message: we are women with autism. Give us the right tools and we can change the world. First edition was winner of the Gold Award, Foreword Book of the Year.
You've never read a book like The Reason I Jump. Written by Naoki Higashida, a very smart, very self-aware, and very charming thirteen-year-old boy with autism, it is a one-of-a-kind memoir that demonstrates how an autistic mind thinks, feels, perceives, and responds in ways few of us can imagine. Parents and family members who never thought they could get inside the head of their autistic loved one at last have a way to break through to the curious, subtle, and complex life within. Using an alphabet grid to painstakingly construct words, sentences, and thoughts that he is unable to speak out loud, Naoki answers even the most delicate questions that people want to know.
is the country's number one source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators. consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources.
Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete is a collection of more than 1,100 periodicals and 200 reports is a great resource for any educator--from the school teacher and administrator to those studying in the field at the collegiate and graduate level. Educator's Reference Complete seeks to provide full text for titles in the Eric database and covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty--such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing. It also provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy.
is geared toward professional educators and contains indexing, abstracts, full-text articles, and educational reports from more than 550 high quality education journals, many of which are peer-reviewed.
assembles hundreds of the greatest documentary films and series from the history of the Public Broadcasting Service into one convenient online interface. This collection provides access to the films and series users already know and trust, including Frontline, NOVA, American Experience, Odyssey, and films by Ken Burns and Michael Wood.
presents an extensive array of content -- both video and text-based -- that includes therapy sessions, documentaries, interviews, keynote presentations, transcripts, client narratives and psychological experiments. The content covers a vast range of client issues such as addiction, autism, depression, grief, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicide. It also highlights the psychology behind human behavior with studies on conformity, power, obedience, responsibility, aggression, and conditioning.
includes hundreds of segments from 17 years of broadcasts from one of the most successful television programs in American history. True to 60 MINUTES iconic style, each news segment within the collection serves as a standalone short documentary on a specific news topic. Discipline strengths range from history, business, international affairs, to women’s studies and politics plus many more.