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Books at TCC Library

Below are some of the print and electronic books available for checkout at the TCC Libraries. 

See the boxes to the left to learn how to find other books on this topic of the death penalty. 

How to Find Print Books

  1. Go to the TCC Library homepage
  2. Use the TCC Catalog and select In the Library
  3. Enter search keywords the same way that you would to search for electronic books or even articles in a database
  4. When you find the book you need, click the title of the book and see which campus the book is available at
  5. If the book is at another campus, select Sign In next to the request options so you can request it be sent to your campus
  6. Log in with your myTCC username and password if prompted

How to find Ebooks?

  1. Go to the TCC Library homepage
  2. Use the TCC Catalog and select Ebooks
  3. Enter search keywords the same way that you would search for physical books or even articles in a database
  4. When you find the ebook you need, click Available Online to open it.
  5. Log in with your myTCC username and password if prompted

Search tips

Join keywords with AND:

global AND warming

Put quotation marks around phrases:

"capital punishment"

Try different words and phrases:

government shutdown, spending policy, debt limits

Try synonyms in different searches or use OR

cloning OR genetics OR reproduction

Use an asterisk:

govern* will find governs, government

Exclude words with NOT

obesity NOT fast-food

Check your spelling!

Print Books
