Mission Statement:
To educate, engage, and empower Tarrant County College (TCC) students, faculty and staff to promote and sustain a culture of inclusion where individuality and cultural humility are embraced and valued.
Descriptive Function:
Tarrant County College’s intentional approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion affirms the intersectionality and simultaneous influence of identifiers such as gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, ability (physical or cognitive), linguistic heritage, cultural expression, and military-connected status.
The South Campus EIC’s purpose is to support the Office of Equity and Inclusion’s mission to foster and sustain a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture conducive to optimal learning, teaching and working irrespective of each individual’s identifier.
Please contact one of the following members for more information about this Council:
Shannon Ydoyaga, Cabinet Liaison
Iris Harvey, Chair
Derek Hubenak, Chair
Trisha Johnson, Chair