Library Staff monitoring Ask a Librarian may notice that there are more patron tickets coming in that are from faculty, either originating from a faculty/staff email address or by the nature of the question being asked (i.e. How do I add videos to my Blackboard course? How do I set up Proctorio so my students can take an online proctored exam? etc.) These questions are being forwarded from an email address created to support faculty transitioning courses to remote delivery. |
2. This ticket fits because it is from a faculty member/is asking for support with transitioning to remote delivery; tag it as |
3. If you can answer their question, based on your expert library knowledge, type your answer and reply. If the ticket is resolved at this point, mark it closed. |
4. If this question is outside of your area of expertise, refer to the faculty support directory and identify someone to whom you can make a referral, based on the question asked and information from the directory. Please vary the people to whom you are sending tickets so no one person is having to deal with every question. Enter the email of the expert in the “CC Answer to” box at the bottom of the screen. |
5. Make a clear warm hand off so it is obvious to both the faculty asking the initial question and the faculty support expert that you are referring the question to someone who is better able to respond. Include the name and contact information of the person you are referring them to. |
6. Once you have referred the question to the faculty support person, close the ticket. |