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TCC Virtual Reference: VIA Ride Program

VIA Information

TCC Southeast students within the Via transportation service area can use a special promotion code to use the Via Quick Ride Program for free. 

Watch TCC Southeast President Bill Coppola and TCC students highlight the advantages of the Via Quick Ride Program. 

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Service is offered: 

  • Monday–Friday: 6 a.m.–9 p.m. 
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.–9 p.m. 
  • Sunday: Unavailable 

Via will provide riders advance notice on any holiday-related schedule changes. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Using the Via Quick Ride Program 

Who can use the Via Quick Ride Program? 

You must be a TCC student enrolled in at least 3 credit hours or 48 continuing education contact hours at TCC Southeast. 

How do I schedule Via Quick Ride transportation? 

To use the Via Quick Ride program and schedule your ride, 

  1. Submit a request for your special promo code to ride for free (allow up to 2 business days for processing). 
  2. Download the app for your smartphone. 
  3. Schedule a ride! 

To schedule a ride without a smartphone, call Via customer service for Arlington at 817-784-7382. 

Who do I contact if my promo code isn't working? 

Call Via Customer Service at 817-784-7382, or email

Is the VIA Quick Ride Program wheelchair accessible? 

Yes, there is an option for wheelchair accessible transportation when scheduling a ride. 

What if my question isn't on this page? 

More questions and answers are available on the Arlington Via Rideshare page

Promo Codes 

How do I request a promo code to ride for free? 

You must be a current TCC Southeast student within the Via transportation service area to use the Via Quick Ride Program for free.  

Complete the Via Quick Ride Promo Request form

Allow 2 business days for processing. TCC will verify course enrollment before sending the promo code to your myTCC email address. 

How do I check the status of my promo code request? 

If you haven't received your promo code via myTCC email within 2 business days, call the TCC Information Center at 817-515-8223 or email

How long will my promo code last? 

The promo code will last for the entire semester. Promo codes will need to be renewed each semester.  

Who do I contact if my promo code isn't working? 

Call VIA Customer Service at 817-784-7382, or email