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GISC 2420 TR Oda: Getting Started

An on-line research guide for GISC 2420 as taught by Dr. Katsuhiko "Kirk" Oda

The GIS&T Body of Knowledge

The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) has led to the expansion and updates of the Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (GISTBoK). It is a comprehensive reference work about what GIS professionals must know in the following significant areas: Foundational Concepts, Knowledge Economy, Computing Platforms, Programming and Development, Data Capture, Data Management, Analytics and Modeling, Cartography and Visualization, Domain Applications, and GIS&T and Society.

Official Website 

A to Z GIS: An Illustrated Dictionary of Geographic Information Systems

A to Z GIS CoverUse this book as a dictionary of the GIS&T terms. The book will help you understand the proper usage of GIS concepts by explaining the meanings of more than 1,800 terms and showing nearly 400 full-color figures.

Editors: Shelly Sommer and Tasha Wade
ISBN: 9781589481404     Publication Date: 
Page Count: 288 pages   Price: $29.95

Official Website
TCC Library

GIS Research Methods: Incorporating Spatial Perspectives

GIS Research Methods: Incorporating Spatial Perspectives CoverConsult this book for conducting your research based on the GIS&T approach. The book discusses the concepts and techniques for scientific and geographic inquiry. You are expected to apply them for a study in your area of interest in the class.

Editors: Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg and Steven J. Steinberg
ISBN: 9781589483781    Publication Date: 2015
Page Count: 432 pages   Price: $79.99

Official Website
TCC Library (Ebook)