The University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) has led to the expansion and updates of the Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (GISTBoK). It is a comprehensive reference work about what GIS professionals must know in the following significant areas: Foundational Concepts, Knowledge Economy, Computing Platforms, Programming and Development, Data Capture, Data Management, Analytics and Modeling, Cartography and Visualization, Domain Applications, and GIS&T and Society.
Use this book as a dictionary of the GIS&T terms. The book will help you understand the proper usage of GIS concepts by explaining the meanings of more than 1,800 terms and showing nearly 400 full-color figures.
Editors: Shelly Sommer and Tasha Wade
ISBN: 9781589481404 Publication Date: 2006
Page Count: 288 pages Price: $29.95
Official Website
TCC Library
Consult this book for conducting your research based on the GIS&T approach. The book discusses the concepts and techniques for scientific and geographic inquiry. You are expected to apply them for a study in your area of interest in the class.
Editors: Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg and Steven J. Steinberg
ISBN: 9781589483781 Publication Date: 2015
Page Count: 432 pages Price: $79.99
Official Website
TCC Library (Ebook)