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GISC 2420 TR Oda: Writing & Citation

An on-line research guide for GISC 2420 as taught by Dr. Katsuhiko "Kirk" Oda

Citations and Styles For GISC 2420

Style Guides can be overwhelming for new students to navigate, as different instructors have different preferences regarding the many different citation and writing styles that exist. TCC generally makes use of three different citation styles and Dr. Oda allows students to use whichever style they are most comfortable using.

APA Style (American Psychological Association)

  • APA is most often used in Education, Medicine and Science.
    • The current APA edition is 7th
    • APA 6th Edition is still widely used.
    • APA is generally considered to be the most technically advanced style
    • APA’s source page is labeled “References”
      APA citations are made up of the author’s last name and the year the work was published, separated by a comma

      (Morrison, 2021)

Chicago Manual of Style

  • Chicago Style GuideChicago Style is generally used for History and Humanities
    • Chicago is often used in professional publishing
    • The current edition of Chicago Style is 17th edition
    • Chicago 16th Edition is still widely used
    • Many GIS academic journals use Chicago Style
    • Chicago’s source page is called a Bibliography or Works Cited
    • Chicago citations are made up of a superscript number, which corresponds to the author’s listing in the Bibliography.
      Example:  “This pizza is pretty good!”1

MLA Style (Modern Language Association)

  • MLA HandbookMLA is typically used for Literature and Fine Arts
    • MLA is generally the simplest of the three styles.
    • The current edition of MLA Style is 8th edition.
    • MLA 7th Edition is still widely used.
    • MLA’s source page is labeled “Works Cited”.
    • MLA citations are made up of the author’s last name and a page number.
      Example: (Morrison 37)


  • TCC Library Plagiarism LibGuide - basic guide on avoiding plagiarism.
  • TCCD Plagiarism Tutorial - contains TCC's policy on academic dishonesty, a video detailing what plagiarism is, and a quiz.
  • TurnItIn - tool is used by TCC students to check papers for plagiarism prior to submitting them for a grade. See your instructor for sign-up instructions.
  • - general resource for understanding what plagiarism is.

TCC Writing & Learning Center

The staff of TCC's Writing & Learning Center  are ready to help you with writing and formatting your papers and helping you with your citations.

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
(during Fall and Spring semesters)

Phone: (817) 515-1069  Please Call for an Appointment
Room Number: TREF 1402