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GISC 2420 TR Oda: Resume

An on-line research guide for GISC 2420 as taught by Dr. Katsuhiko "Kirk" Oda

Resume Tips and Resources

Your resume will make up a portion of your final grade for this course. Your resume will be posted to your blog, updated as the semester continues and turned in at the end of your course. There are many books on writing a resume in the TCC library and both the Writing Lab and Career Services can be consulted for advice on writing a good resume.

TCC Career Services

TCC Career Services can help you with writing and formatting your resume.

Hours of Operation

Monday–Thursday: 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: Closed
(during Summer semesters)

Phone: (817) 515-1054 


TCC Writing & Learning Center

The staff of TCC's Writing & Learning Center also offer resume help.

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
(during Fall and Spring semesters)

Phone: (817) 515-1069  Please Call for an Appointment
Room Number: TREF 1402

GIS Certifications

• GIS Professional (GISP) - offered by the Geographic Information Systems Certification Institute
Professional Certification - offered by the US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF)
Mapping Scientist, GIS/LIS (CMS) - offered by the Imaging & Geospatial Information Society (ASPRS)