The Human Brain can be conditioned for lots of things... to excel at languages, mathematics, or obscure Monty Python references.
Why, then, do so many of us find it difficult to help our brains learn to relax and unwind when we're feeling over-stressed?
Here's just a few ways that you can work on training your own brain to release calming endorphins, retain information better, and more.
Pick up a Crayon and relax!
According to Psychology Today, in adults, "coloring books have been shown to influence anxiety and more. In multiple studies, researchers have found that after a week of daily practice, those who spent time coloring displayed lower levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms."
Check out some of these online coloring apps, color-by-number websites, downloadable pages for coloring at home, and more.
Don't be puzzled... Just relax!
According to USA TODAY, "solving puzzles helps reinforce existing connections between our brain cells. It also increases the generation of new relationships and this, in turn, improves mental speed and thought processes. Jigsaw puzzles are especially good for improving one's short-term memory."
Check ot some of these great online puzzle sites!
Grab a pencil... Let's get logical!
According to researchers, study results have reenforced their belief that regular practice with "problem-solving activities like sudoku, crosswords, and logic-problems can improve brain function and protect the mind from cognitive decline later in life."
Check out some of these great online sources for math games, logic problems, and other brain-teasers to keep your mind razor sharp.